“For broken dreams, the cure is, dream again and deeper.”
C.S. Lewis
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Throughout fifteen short stories, Garden Boulevard explores the choices women face and the consequences of the ones they make. In “More Than A Peck,” a dessert recipe becomes both silent rebellion and examination of a wife’s growing resentment. In “Lessons in Limits,” an NYU student dreams of adventure while her studies fall by the wayside. In “The Installation,” an unexpected reunion with an old flame ignites a mother’s regrets about the career–and the relationship–she she left behind for a sprawling yard for her children. Brief Interludes peer into the moments behind carefully constructed facades. From society weddings to strollers in the park, Angela Amman collects the stories strewn along a New York city block like so many discarded rose petals, considering the knife-edge of hope and anguish in a woman’s heart with compassion and an unflinching eye.