The other night I did something I don’t like to do, because I always regret it. I did the day’s Wordle as the clock slipped past 12:30 a.m. instead of waiting until the morning. Unlike the Solitaire game I sometimes play when I’m a little bored and don’t want to fall into a book, you only get one Wordle puzzle each day. Every once in a while, I succumb to opening it just after midnight. The next morning, I miss having my Wordle time to ease myself into the day.
Staying up too late is one of those habits I want to break until it’s time to break it. My eyes can be drifting closed from 4:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m., but once I hit 7:00 or later, my energy revives itself. I find it hard to go to bed before the kids do, and there are times they aren’t even home from activities until after 9:30 or 10:00.
I read or do some journalling or, yes, play around on my computer or phone, even though I know the light isn’t doing anything to help me feel more tired. Some nights I do laundry. I always calculate how many hours of sleep I’ll get, cringing when I realize it’s going to be another difficult morning when my alarms starts chiming next to my head.
And yes, every once in a great while, I do the Wordle.