Dylan and I spent a couple of days up north this week, beautiful days with sunsets and floating on the water and poking around in little shops. However, we went from Monday to Wednesday, and now my body refuses to understand what day of the week it is. Summer always gets tricky when you work in a school, because days fade into each other, and I can do things during the week that normally get saved until weekends. This time, though, I can’t shake the feeling that my days just aren’t right.
Maybe it’s because my birthday (and birthday dinner) fell on a Thursday, and we ate late, so it felt more like a Friday. Now we are getting ready for a pool party with friends, but I can’t force my brain to understand that it truly is Saturday and not Sunday.
None of this is a huge deal, at least not until I have to start going back to work, except there are things that need to be done. I consult my calendar and planner more times than I should need to each day, and I’m triple checking alarm clock times before drifting off to bed. I wake up feeling like I missed something, even though I know I didn’t.
To be honest, it’s probably a bit of back-to-school/work anxiety creeping into my head. We’re tiptoeing into the BTS waters with trips to the mall, this year’s emergency contact updates, and glancing at school supply lists. Both kids get their class schedules for the year next week. Understanding the why doesn’t make it any less disconcerting. All I can do is keep double checking my lists and try to breathe myself back into the present.
It’s a reminder, I think, that all of the planning in the world doesn’t always help when things don’t feel right. All of the checklists and reminders can’t give me control of the things that are out of my control. I don’t like that feeling. I’m trying to sit with it, but my stomach still twists and turns and keeps me awake some nights. I hope as our schedules settle into place, so do my nerves.